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Round 2 of MFT/Education MN Strike Loans - Deadline MONDAY, MARCH 28 AT 4pm. 


The application for the second round of interest free loans from St. Paul Federal Credit Union (SPFCU) is now open.  The deadline for SPFCU membership is Monday, March 28 at 4pm.


To be eligible you need to be an MFT member who is actively participating in the strike.  Participation will be confirmed with strike captains.  


If you have NOT applied for the SPFCU membership yet:

See the MFT/Education MN Strike Loan FAQ  


If you HAVE received the first $600 installment of MFT/Education MN Strike Loans:

  • Watch for an email from the MFT Strike Committee ( asking if you want the next installment. 


If you have questions, first check MFT/Education MN Strike Loan FAQ.  If your question isn’t answered, please email  Thank you!  

Free food for members!


Please fill out this form for free food for pickup on Friday and Saturday March 18-19 and March 25-26.


Courtesy of Community Aid Network of MN. Orders will be available to pick up at MFT. Please note location change to MFT from Holy Trinity.

Strike Funds - Application currently closed

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The mission of Minneapolis Federation of Teachers, Education Support Professionals, Related-Service Professionals and Retirees is to promote, strengthen and improve public schools. This is done through shared decision making of those who are closest to the students.  We exist to protect and promote the well-being of our members. We build with our families, students, community, district, and other labor unions a movement that fights for the resources needed to advance these principles. We accomplish this mission through sustainable organizing, collective action, collective bargaining, high quality professional practice and political activism.

67 8th Ave NE

Minneapolis, MN




© 2020 Minneapolis Federation of teachers

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